How to Compliment a Girl:
There are a lot of ways to compliment a girl and make her feel good:
- Make her feel valued and the center of attraction for you through your words.
- Compliment on her personality traits and the way she
- Looks
- Way of talking
- How she walks and acts
- The way she does things
- Compliment and praise her for all these things and tell how perfect she is in every aspect.
- Identify her traits and portray them to her in different and unique ways.
How to Compliment a Girl on her Looks:
For girls, it's all about Good Looks! Good Looks! and Good Looks! Here are some compliments and praises you can go with:
- You're really beautiful, in every aspect.
- If I could just describe how pretty you are!
- Your personality reflects something different and unique.
- You have such a heartwarming smile.
- Your eyes. They always tell a different story!
- Woah! You are really tall!
- You're a combination of cuteness and hotness. I never thought a girl can be both at the same time.
- I can stare at you, the whole day long but can never get enough of it.
- "Beauty with Brains", this phrase sits on you perfectly.
- Can you stop looking soo hot? It distracts me!
- You can complement her with whatever you feel like, but simply and subtly.

How to Compliment a Girl over Text:
Talk about how beautiful she is through pictures and say things that she'll like to hear. Express yourself with exaggeration and use emoticons to convey things with emotions. These are some things you can say to a girl over text:
- You look really pretty in your display picture.
- You're the first girl to know this much about me.
- You look so beautiful in your pictures, I wonder how pretty you'll be in person.
- Whenever I talk to you, I feel like I am on Cloud 9.
- I sometimes wonder that how did I get soo lucky?
- Your maturity and sense of understanding, tell a lot of good things about you.
- Your good sense of humor is like a stress buster for me.
How to tell a girl she looks good without being Creepy:
- DO NOT use creepy pick-up lines and compliments.
- Pick up's like:
- Are you a chat meal? Cause all I want to do is eat you. (That sound's soo creepy, doesn't it? Be Aware!)
- Try to go slow and do not be very upfront and straightforward.
- Do not talk about taking her out directly, especially to an unknown or secluded place.
- Do not talk about her bodily appearance too much. Keep it at a limit, until it seems appropriate.
- If you start complimenting someone more than enough over a thing on their body and especially vital or private parts, won't you sound like a creep?
- Try not to get too close. Maintain and distance or space between you two, while together or on texts. Respect her privacy.
- Giver her time and space, to analyze things. Do not sound or look desperate.
- Detect her tone, after you say something and reply accordingly.
- If you get a hint, that things are not going in the right direction and she is not liking it, Change the topic.
- Do not do anything in haste, adopt a gentlemanly way to deal with things. She'll automatically get attracted.
How to Compliment a girl at the Gym:
- Do not act like a creep, by going close to her, checking her out by staring, or praising her with cheap compliments.
- Try to get in contact with her outside of the gym or while she's resting.
- You can help her out in exercising, with instructions.
- Your elbow placement can be better, should I help you out?
- Eye contact plays a vital role.
- If she's showing interest in you, then make the first move. (It's all about the instincts and vibe)
- Compliment on her moves and exercises she's doing, do not make compliments that reflect that you're pointing them to what she's wearing or her appearance. You can go with compliments like:
- You're getting on it. Nice Stamina!
- Be cool, be simple and try to maintain decency.

Try to impress your girl with these amazing ideas and compliments! What do you know, she actually genuinely starts liking you? Go for it!
Things To Talk About With Your Crush
How to Compliment a Girl
How to Compliment a Guy